Upcoming Events...

So I've been somewhat absent lately so let me get everyone up to date with my upcoming events.

Matthew Gallery
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design

MoMA New York
Architecture and Design Galleries, Third Floor

MAD New York

The Estorick Collection, London

Panel Discussion:
12th - 13th April
"A Digital Craft Aesthetic" with Dr Vanessa Cutler

I have also been invited to be one of the International judges for Ireland's Future Makers Award and Grants 2010.

The new Cross-fire series is now finished and will be shown at the Future Craft exposition in March, to coinside with this I will be launching my new studio website. I do know some people have been asking to see the final Cross-fire animation however this will go public next Thursday 25th March. I would like to thank everyone that has been involved in this project, I am sure you will agree it has been worth the long haul.